
In optimization, we've seen how nested AD and gradient-based optimization work together.

Training a model is the optimization of model parameters to minimize a loss function, or equivalently, to maximize the likelihood of a given set of data under the model parameters. In addition to the optimization method, learning rate, momentum, and gradient clipping parameters we've seen, this introduces parameters for the loss function, regularization, training batches, and validation and early stopping.

But let's start with the Dataset type, which we will use for keeping the training, validation, and test data for the training procedure.


For supervised training, data consists of pairs of input vectors \(\mathbf{x}_i \in \mathbb{R}^{d_x}\) and output vectors \(\mathbf{y}_i \in \mathbb{R}^{d_y}\). We represent data using the Dataset type, which is basically a pair of matrices

\[ \begin{eqnarray*} \mathbf{X} &\in& \mathbb{R}^{d_x \times n}\\ \mathbf{Y} &\in& \mathbb{R}^{d_y \times n}\\ \end{eqnarray*}\]

holding these vectors, where \(n\) is the number of input–output pairs, \(d_x\) is the number of input features and \(d_y\) is the number of output features. In other words, each of the \(n\) columns of the matrix \(\mathbf{X}\) is an input vector of length \(d_x\) and each of the \(n\) columns of matrix \(\mathbf{Y}\) is the corresponding output vector of length \(d_y\).

Keeping data in matrix form is essential for harnessing high-performance linear algebra engines tailored for your CPU or GPU. Hype, by default, uses a high-performance CPU backend using OpenBLAS for BLAS/LAPACK operations, and parallel implementations of non-BLAS operations such as elementwise functions.

open Hype
open DiffSharp.AD.Float32

let x = toDM [[0; 0; 1; 1]
              [0; 1; 0; 1]]
let y = toDM [[0; 1; 1; 0]]

let XORdata = Dataset(x, y)

Hype provides several utility functions for loading data into matrices from images, delimited text files (e.g., CSV), or commonly used dataset files such as the MNIST.

let MNIST = Dataset(Util.LoadMNISTPixels("train-images.idx3-ubyte", 60000),
                    Util.LoadMNISTLabels("train-labels.idx1-ubyte", 60000) |> toDV |> DM.ofDV 1).NormalizeX()

let MNISTtest = Dataset(Util.LoadMNISTPixels("t10k-images.idx3-ubyte", 10000),
                        Util.LoadMNISTLabels("t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte", 10000) |> toDV |> DM.ofDV 1).NormalizeX()

You can see the API reference and the source code for various ways of constructing Datasets.

Training parameters

Let's load the housing prices dataset from the Stanford UFLDL Tutorial and divide it into input and output pairs. We will later train a simple linear regression model, to demonstrate the use of training parameters.

let h = Util.LoadDelimited("") |> DM.Transpose
h.ToString() |> printfn "%s"
DM : 14 x 506
  0.00632    0.0273    0.0273    0.0324    0.0691    0.0299    0.0883     0.145     0.211      0.17     0.225     0.117    0.0938      0.63     0.638     0.627      1.05     0.784     0.803     0.726      1.25     0.852      1.23     0.988      0.75     0.841     0.672     0.956     0.773         1      1.13      1.35      1.39      1.15      1.61    0.0642    0.0974    0.0801     0.175    0.0276    0.0336     0.127     0.142     0.159     0.123     0.171     0.188     0.229     0.254      0.22    0.0887    0.0434    0.0536    0.0498    0.0136    0.0131    0.0206    0.0143     0.154     0.103     0.149     0.172      0.11     0.127    0.0195    0.0358    0.0438    0.0579     0.136     0.128    0.0883     0.159    0.0916     0.195     0.079    0.0951     0.102    0.0871    0.0565    0.0839    0.0411    0.0446    0.0366    0.0355    0.0506    0.0574    0.0519    0.0715    0.0566     0.053    0.0468    0.0393     0.042    0.0288    0.0429     0.122     0.115     0.121    0.0819    0.0686     0.149     0.114     0.229     0.212      0.14     0.133     0.171     0.131     0.128     0.264     0.108     0.101     0.123     0.222     0.142     0.171     0.132     0.151     0.131     0.145     0.069    0.0717     0.093      0.15    0.0985     0.169     0.387     0.259     0.325     0.881      0.34      1.19      0.59      0.33     0.976     0.558     0.323     0.352      0.25     0.545     0.291      1.63      3.32       4.1      2.78      2.38      2.16      2.37      2.33      2.73      1.66       1.5      1.13      2.15      1.41      3.54      2.45      1.22      1.34      1.43      1.27      1.46      1.83      1.52      2.24      2.92      2.01       1.8       2.3      2.45      1.21      2.31     0.139    0.0918    0.0845    0.0666    0.0702    0.0543    0.0664    0.0578    0.0659    0.0689     0.091       0.1    0.0831    0.0605     0.056    0.0788     0.126    0.0837    0.0907    0.0691    0.0866    0.0219    0.0144    0.0138    0.0401    0.0467    0.0377    0.0315    0.0178    0.0345    0.0218    0.0351    0.0201     0.136      0.23     0.252     0.136     0.436     0.174     0.376     0.217     0.141      0.29     0.198    0.0456    0.0701     0.111     0.114     0.358     0.408     0.624     0.615     0.315     0.527     0.382     0.412     0.298     0.442     0.537     0.463     0.575     0.331     0.448      0.33     0.521     0.512    0.0824    0.0925     0.113     0.106     0.103     0.128     0.206     0.191      0.34     0.197     0.164     0.191      0.14     0.214    0.0822     0.369    0.0482    0.0355    0.0154     0.612     0.664     0.657      0.54     0.534      0.52     0.825      0.55     0.762     0.786     0.578     0.541    0.0907     0.299     0.162     0.115     0.222    0.0564     0.096     0.105    0.0613    0.0798      0.21    0.0358    0.0371    0.0613     0.015   0.00906     0.011    0.0197    0.0387    0.0459     0.043     0.035    0.0789    0.0362    0.0827     0.082     0.129    0.0537     0.141    0.0647    0.0556    0.0442    0.0354    0.0927       0.1    0.0552    0.0548     0.075    0.0493     0.493     0.349      2.64      0.79     0.262     0.269     0.369     0.254     0.318     0.245     0.402     0.475     0.168     0.182     0.351     0.284     0.341     0.192     0.303     0.241    0.0662    0.0672    0.0454    0.0502    0.0347    0.0508    0.0374    0.0396    0.0343    0.0304    0.0331     0.055    0.0615     0.013     0.025    0.0254    0.0305    0.0311    0.0616    0.0187     0.015     0.029    0.0621    0.0795    0.0724    0.0171     0.043     0.107      8.98      3.85       5.2      4.26      4.54      3.84      3.68      4.22      3.47      4.56       3.7      3.52       4.9      5.67      6.54      9.23      8.27      1.11       8.5      9.61      5.29      9.82      3.65      7.87      8.98      5.87      9.19      7.99    0.0849      6.81      4.39       2.6      4.33      8.15      6.96      5.29      1.58      8.64      3.36      8.72      5.87      7.67      8.35      9.92      5.05      4.24       9.6       4.8      1.53      7.92     0.716      1.95       7.4      4.44      1.14      4.05      8.81      8.66      5.75      8.08     0.834      5.94      3.53      1.81      1.09      7.02      2.05      7.05      8.79      5.86      2.25      7.66      7.37      9.34      8.49    0.0623      6.44      5.58      3.91      1.16      4.42      5.18      3.68      9.39      2.05      9.72      5.67      9.97       2.8     0.672      6.29      9.92      9.33      7.53      6.72      5.44      5.09      8.25      9.51      4.75      4.67       8.2      7.75       6.8      4.81      3.69      6.65      5.82      7.84      3.16      3.77      4.42      5.58      3.08      4.35      4.04      3.57      4.65      8.06      6.39      4.87      5.02     0.233      4.33      5.82      5.71      5.73      2.82      2.38      3.67      5.69      4.84     0.151     0.183     0.207     0.106     0.111     0.173      0.28     0.179      0.29     0.268     0.239     0.178     0.224    0.0626    0.0453    0.0608      0.11    0.0474 
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  24.8        22      26.4      33.1      36.1      28.4      33.4      28.2      22.8      20.3      16.1      22.1      19.4      21.6      23.8      16.2      17.8      19.8      23.1        21      23.8      23.1      20.4      18.5        25      24.6        23      22.2      19.3      22.6      19.8      17.1      19.4      22.2      20.7      21.1      19.5      18.5      20.6        19      18.7      32.7      16.5      23.9      31.2      17.5      17.2      23.1      24.5      26.6      22.9      24.1      18.6      30.1      18.2      20.6      17.8      21.7      22.7      22.6        25      19.9      20.8      16.8      21.9      27.5      21.9      23.1        50        50        50        50        50      13.8      13.8        15      13.9      13.3      13.1      10.2      10.4      10.9      11.3      12.3       8.8       7.2      10.5       7.4      10.2      11.5      15.1      23.2       9.7      13.8      12.7      13.1      12.5       8.5         5       6.3       5.6       7.2      12.1       8.3       8.5         5      11.9      27.9      17.2      27.5        15      17.2      17.9      16.3         7       7.2       7.5      10.4       8.8       8.4      16.7      14.2      20.8      13.4      11.7       8.3      10.2      10.9        11       9.5      14.5      14.1      16.1      14.3      11.7      13.4       9.6       8.7       8.4      12.8      10.5      17.1      18.4      15.4      10.8      11.8      14.9      12.6      14.1        13      13.4      15.2      16.1      17.8      14.9      14.1      12.7      13.5      14.9        20      16.4      17.7      19.5      20.2      21.4      19.9        19      19.1      19.1      20.1      19.9      19.6      23.2      29.8      13.8      13.3      16.7        12      14.6      21.4        23      23.7        25      21.8      20.6      21.2      19.1      20.6      15.2         7       8.1      13.6      20.1      21.8      24.5      23.1      19.7      18.3      21.2      17.5      16.8      22.4      20.6      23.9        22      11.9 

The data has 14 rows and 506 columns, where each column represents the 14 features of one house. The values in the last row represent the price of the property, and we will train a model to predict this value, given the remaining 13 features.

We also add a row of ones to the input matrix that will account for the bias (intercept) of our model and simplify the implementation.

let hx = h.[0..12, *]
let hy = h.[13..13, *]

let housing = Dataset(hx, hy).AppendBiasRowX()

Our linear regression model is of the form

\[ h_{\mathbf{w}} (\mathbf{x}) = \sum_j w_j x_j = \mathbf{w}^{T} \mathbf{x}\]

which represents a family of linear functions parameterized by the vector \(\mathbf{w}\).

let model (w:DV) (x:DV) = w * x

For training the model, we minimize a loss function

\[ J(\mathbf{w}) = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \left(h_{\mathbf{w}} (\mathbf{x}^{(i)}) - y^{(i)} \right)^2 = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \left( \mathbf{w}^{T} \mathbf{x}^{(i)} - y^{(i)} \right)^2\]

where \(\mathbf{x}^{(i)}\) are vectors holding the 13 input features plus the bias input (the constant 1) and \(y^{(i)}\) are the target values (which are here scalar).

let wopt, lopt, whist, lhist = Optimize.Train(model, Rnd.UniformDV(14), housing, 
                                    {Params.Default with Epochs = 1000
                                                         Loss = Loss.Quadratic})

let trainedmodel = model wopt
[12/11/2015 14:41:04] --- Training started
[12/11/2015 14:41:04] Parameters     : 14
[12/11/2015 14:41:04] Iterations     : 1000
[12/11/2015 14:41:04] Epochs         : 1000
[12/11/2015 14:41:04] Batches        : Full (1 per epoch)
[12/11/2015 14:41:04] Training data  : 506
[12/11/2015 14:41:04] Validation data: None
[12/11/2015 14:41:04] Valid. interval: 10
[12/11/2015 14:41:04] Method         : Gradient descent
[12/11/2015 14:41:04] Learning rate  : RMSProp a0 = D 0.00100000005f, k = D 0.899999976f
[12/11/2015 14:41:04] Momentum       : None
[12/11/2015 14:41:04] Loss           : L2 norm
[12/11/2015 14:41:04] Regularizer    : L2 lambda = D 9.99999975e-05f
[12/11/2015 14:41:04] Gradient clip. : None
[12/11/2015 14:41:04] Early stopping : None
[12/11/2015 14:41:04] Improv. thresh.: D 0.995000005f
[12/11/2015 14:41:04] Return best    : true
[12/11/2015 14:41:04]    1/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  5.281104e+002 [- ]
[12/11/2015 14:41:04]    2/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  5.252324e+002 [↓▼]
[12/11/2015 14:41:04]    3/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  5.231447e+002 [↓ ]
[12/11/2015 14:41:04]    4/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  5.213967e+002 [↓▼]
[12/11/2015 14:41:04]    5/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  5.198447e+002 [↓ ]
[12/11/2015 14:41:04]    6/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  5.184225e+002 [↓▼]
[12/11/2015 14:41:04]    7/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  5.170928e+002 [↓ ]
[12/11/2015 14:41:27]  994/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  6.404338e+000 [↓ ]
[12/11/2015 14:41:27]  995/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  6.392090e+000 [↓ ]
[12/11/2015 14:41:27]  996/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  6.377205e+000 [↓▼]
[12/11/2015 14:41:28]  997/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  6.363370e+000 [↓ ]
[12/11/2015 14:41:28]  998/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  6.351198e+000 [↓ ]
[12/11/2015 14:41:28]  999/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  6.344284e+000 [↓▼]
[12/11/2015 14:41:28] 1000/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  6.334455e+000 [↓ ]
[12/11/2015 14:41:28] Duration       : 00:00:23.3076639
[12/11/2015 14:41:28] Loss initial   : D  5.281104e+002
[12/11/2015 14:41:28] Loss final     : D  6.344284e+000 (Best)
[12/11/2015 14:41:28] Loss change    : D -5.217661e+002 (-98.80 %)
[12/11/2015 14:41:28] Loss chg. / s  : D -2.238603e+001
[12/11/2015 14:41:28] Epochs / s     : 42.90434272
[12/11/2015 14:41:28] Epochs / min   : 2574.260563
[12/11/2015 14:41:28] --- Training finished

val trainedmodel : (DV -> D)

The following is a plot of the prices in the dataset where the blue points represent the real price, and the red points are the values predicted by the trained linear model.


Loss function

type Loss =
    | L1Loss    // L1 norm, least absolute deviations
    | L2Loss    // L2 norm
    | Quadratic // L2 norm squared, least squares
    | CrossEntropyOnLinear  // Cross entropy after linear layer
    | CrossEntropyOnSoftmax // Cross entropy after softmax layer


type Regularization =
    | L1Reg of D // L1 regularization
    | L2Reg of D // L2 regularization
    | NoReg
    static member DefaultL1Reg = L1Reg (D 0.0001f)
    static member DefaultL2Reg = L2Reg (D 0.0001f)


type Batch =
    | Full
    | Minibatch of int // Minibatch of given size
    | Stochastic       // Minibatch with size 1, SGD

Validation and early stopping

type EarlyStopping =
    | Early of int * int // Stagnation patience, overfitting patience
    | NoEarly
    static member DefaultEarly = Early (750, 10)

Training proceeds by minimizing the loss function by adjusting model parameters. Continuing this optimization for longer than necessary causes overfitting, where the model strives to precisely approximate the training data. Overfitting reduces the model's generalization ability and it's performance with new data in the field.

To prevent overfitting, data is divided into training and validation sets, and while the model is being optimized by computing the loss function using the training data, the model's performance with the validation data is also monitored. Generally, at the initial stages of training the loss for both the training and validation data will decrease. Eventually, the validation loss will asymptotically approach a minimum, and beyond a certain stage, it will start to increase even when the training loss keeps decreasing. This signifies a good time to stop the training, for preventing overfitting the model to the training data.

Hype does this via the EarlyStopping parameter, where you can specify a stagnation "patience" for the number of acceptable iterations for non-decreasing training loss and an overfitting patience for the number of acceptable iterations where the training loss decreases without an accompanying decrease in the validation loss.

Let's divide the housing dataset into training and validation sets and train the model using early stopping.

let housingtrain = housing.[..399] // The first 400 data points
let housingvalid = housing.[400..] // The remaining 106 data points
val housingtrain : Dataset = Hype.Dataset
   X: 14 x 400
   Y: 1 x 400
val housingvalid : Dataset = Hype.Dataset
   X: 14 x 106
   Y: 1 x 106
let wopt, lopt, whist, lhist = Optimize.Train(model, Rnd.UniformDV(14), housingtrain, housingvalid,
                                 {Params.Default with 
                                    Epochs = 1000;
                                    EarlyStopping = Early(750, 10)})
[12/11/2015 15:09:15] --- Training started
[12/11/2015 15:09:15] Parameters     : 14
[12/11/2015 15:09:15] Iterations     : 1000
[12/11/2015 15:09:15] Epochs         : 1000
[12/11/2015 15:09:15] Batches        : Full (1 per epoch)
[12/11/2015 15:09:15] Training data  : 400
[12/11/2015 15:09:15] Validation data: 106
[12/11/2015 15:09:15] Valid. interval: 10
[12/11/2015 15:09:15] Method         : Gradient descent
[12/11/2015 15:09:15] Learning rate  : RMSProp a0 = D 0.00100000005f, k = D 0.899999976f
[12/11/2015 15:09:15] Momentum       : None
[12/11/2015 15:09:15] Loss           : L2 norm
[12/11/2015 15:09:15] Regularizer    : L2 lambda = D 9.99999975e-05f
[12/11/2015 15:09:15] Gradient clip. : None
[12/11/2015 15:09:15] Early stopping : Stagnation thresh. = 750, overfit. thresh. = 10
[12/11/2015 15:09:15] Improv. thresh.: D 0.995000005f
[12/11/2015 15:09:15] Return best    : true
[12/11/2015 15:09:15]    1/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.221269e+002 [- ] | Valid D  3.322605e+002 [- ] | Stag:  0 Ovfit: 0
[12/11/2015 15:09:15]    2/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.193867e+002 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.288632e+002 [↓▼] | Stag:  0 Ovfit: 0
[12/11/2015 15:09:15]    3/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.173987e+002 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.263986e+002 [↓▼] | Stag:  0 Ovfit: 0
[12/11/2015 15:09:15]    4/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.157341e+002 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.243348e+002 [↓▼] | Stag:  0 Ovfit: 0
[12/11/2015 15:09:15]    5/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.142565e+002 [↓ ] | Valid D  3.225029e+002 [↓▼] | Stag:  0 Ovfit: 0
[12/11/2015 15:09:15]    6/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.129025e+002 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.208241e+002 [↓▼] | Stag:  0 Ovfit: 0
[12/11/2015 15:09:15]    7/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.116365e+002 [↓ ] | Valid D  3.192545e+002 [↓ ] | Stag: 10 Ovfit: 0
[12/11/2015 15:09:15]    8/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.104370e+002 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.177671e+002 [↓▼] | Stag:  0 Ovfit: 0
[12/11/2015 15:09:15]    9/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.092885e+002 [↓ ] | Valid D  3.163436e+002 [↓ ] | Stag: 10 Ovfit: 0
[12/11/2015 15:09:15]   10/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.081814e+002 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.149709e+002 [↓▼] | Stag:  0 Ovfit: 0
[12/11/2015 15:09:15]   11/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.071076e+002 [↓ ] | Valid D  3.136398e+002 [↓ ] | Stag: 10 Ovfit: 0
[12/11/2015 15:09:15]   12/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.060618e+002 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.123428e+002 [↓▼] | Stag:  0 Ovfit: 0
[12/11/2015 15:09:15]   13/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.050388e+002 [↓ ] | Valid D  3.110746e+002 [↓ ] | Stag: 10 Ovfit: 0
[12/11/2015 15:09:21]  318/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  4.250416e+001 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.382476e+001 [↓▼] | Stag:  0 Ovfit: 0
[12/11/2015 15:09:21]  319/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  4.178834e+001 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.371201e+001 [↓ ] | Stag: 10 Ovfit: 0
[12/11/2015 15:09:21]  320/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  4.109373e+001 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.361367e+001 [↓▼] | Stag:  0 Ovfit: 0
[12/11/2015 15:09:21]  321/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  4.040976e+001 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.362166e+001 [↑ ] | Stag: 10 Ovfit: 0
[12/11/2015 15:09:21]  322/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.973472e+001 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.368684e+001 [↑ ] | Stag: 20 Ovfit: 1
[12/11/2015 15:09:21]  323/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.907929e+001 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.382304e+001 [↑ ] | Stag: 30 Ovfit: 2
[12/11/2015 15:09:21]  324/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.845267e+001 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.398524e+001 [↑ ] | Stag: 40 Ovfit: 3
[12/11/2015 15:09:21]  325/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.783842e+001 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.418199e+001 [↑ ] | Stag: 50 Ovfit: 4
[12/11/2015 15:09:21]  326/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.721857e+001 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.450164e+001 [↑ ] | Stag: 60 Ovfit: 5
[12/11/2015 15:09:21]  327/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.659464e+001 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.499456e+001 [↑ ] | Stag: 70 Ovfit: 6
[12/11/2015 15:09:21]  328/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.598552e+001 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.556280e+001 [↑ ] | Stag: 80 Ovfit: 7
[12/11/2015 15:09:21]  329/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.538885e+001 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.616002e+001 [↑ ] | Stag: 90 Ovfit: 8
[12/11/2015 15:09:21]  330/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.481464e+001 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.678414e+001 [↑ ] | Stag:100 Ovfit: 9
[12/11/2015 15:09:21] *** EARLY STOPPING TRIGGERED: Overfitting ***
[12/11/2015 15:09:21]  331/1000 | Batch 1/1 | D  3.426452e+001 [↓▼] | Valid D  3.741238e+001 [↑ ] | Stag:110 Ovfit:10
[12/11/2015 15:09:21] Duration       : 00:00:05.9617220
[12/11/2015 15:09:21] Loss initial   : D  3.221269e+002
[12/11/2015 15:09:21] Loss final     : D  3.373809e+001 (Best)
[12/11/2015 15:09:21] Loss change    : D -2.883888e+002 (-89.53 %)
[12/11/2015 15:09:21] Loss chg. / s  : D -4.837340e+001
[12/11/2015 15:09:21] Epochs / s     : 55.52087132
[12/11/2015 15:09:21] Epochs / min   : 3331.252279
[12/11/2015 15:09:21] --- Training finished
namespace System
type Environment =
  static member CommandLine : string
  static member CurrentDirectory : string with get, set
  static member Exit : exitCode:int -> unit
  static member ExitCode : int with get, set
  static member ExpandEnvironmentVariables : name:string -> string
  static member FailFast : message:string -> unit + 1 overload
  static member GetCommandLineArgs : unit -> string[]
  static member GetEnvironmentVariable : variable:string -> string + 1 overload
  static member GetEnvironmentVariables : unit -> IDictionary + 1 overload
  static member GetFolderPath : folder:SpecialFolder -> string + 1 overload
  nested type SpecialFolder
  nested type SpecialFolderOption

Full name: System.Environment
property System.Environment.CurrentDirectory: string
namespace Hype
namespace DiffSharp
namespace DiffSharp.AD
module Float32

from DiffSharp.AD
val x : DM

Full name: Training.x
val toDM : m:seq<seq<'a>> -> DM (requires member op_Explicit)

Full name: DiffSharp.AD.Float32.DOps.toDM
val y : DM

Full name: Training.y
val XORdata : Dataset

Full name: Training.XORdata
Multiple items
type Dataset =
  new : s:seq<DV * DV> -> Dataset
  new : xi:seq<int> * y:DM -> Dataset
  new : x:DM * yi:seq<int> -> Dataset
  new : xi:seq<int> * yi:seq<int> -> Dataset
  new : x:DM * y:DM -> Dataset
  new : xi:seq<int> * onehotdimsx:int * y:DM -> Dataset
  new : x:DM * yi:seq<int> * onehotdimsy:int -> Dataset
  new : xi:seq<int> * onehotdimsx:int * yi:seq<int> * onehotdimsy:int -> Dataset
  private new : x:DM * y:DM * xi:seq<int> * yi:seq<int> -> Dataset
  member AppendBiasRowX : unit -> Dataset

Full name: Hype.Dataset

new : s:seq<DV * DV> -> Dataset
new : x:DM * y:DM -> Dataset
new : xi:seq<int> * yi:seq<int> -> Dataset
new : x:DM * yi:seq<int> -> Dataset
new : xi:seq<int> * y:DM -> Dataset
new : x:DM * yi:seq<int> * onehotdimsy:int -> Dataset
new : xi:seq<int> * onehotdimsx:int * y:DM -> Dataset
new : xi:seq<int> * onehotdimsx:int * yi:seq<int> * onehotdimsy:int -> Dataset
val MNIST : Dataset

Full name: Training.MNIST
type Util =
  static member LoadDelimited : filename:string -> DM
  static member LoadDelimited : filename:string * separators:char [] -> DM
  static member LoadImage : filename:string -> DM
  static member LoadMNISTLabels : filename:string -> int []
  static member LoadMNISTLabels : filename:string * n:int -> int []
  static member LoadMNISTPixels : filename:string -> DM
  static member LoadMNISTPixels : filename:string * n:int -> DM
  static member VisualizeDMRowsAsImageGrid : w:DM * imagerows:int -> string
  static member printLog : s:string -> unit
  static member printModel : f:(DV -> DV) -> d:Dataset -> unit

Full name: Hype.Util
static member Util.LoadMNISTPixels : filename:string -> DM
static member Util.LoadMNISTPixels : filename:string * n:int -> DM
static member Util.LoadMNISTLabels : filename:string -> int []
static member Util.LoadMNISTLabels : filename:string * n:int -> int []
val toDV : v:seq<'a> -> DV (requires member op_Explicit)

Full name: DiffSharp.AD.Float32.DOps.toDV
Multiple items
union case DM.DM: float32 [,] -> DM

module DM

from DiffSharp.AD.Float32

type DM =
  | DM of float32 [,]
  | DMF of DM * DM * uint32
  | DMR of DM * DM ref * TraceOp * uint32 ref * uint32
  member Copy : unit -> DM
  member GetCols : unit -> seq<DV>
  member GetForward : t:DM * i:uint32 -> DM
  member GetReverse : i:uint32 -> DM
  member GetRows : unit -> seq<DV>
  member GetSlice : rowStart:int option * rowFinish:int option * col:int -> DV
  member GetSlice : row:int * colStart:int option * colFinish:int option -> DV
  member GetSlice : rowStart:int option * rowFinish:int option * colStart:int option * colFinish:int option -> DM
  member ToMathematicaString : unit -> string
  member ToMatlabString : unit -> string
  override ToString : unit -> string
  member Visualize : unit -> string
  member A : DM
  member Cols : int
  member F : uint32
  member Item : i:int * j:int -> D with get
  member Length : int
  member P : DM
  member PD : DM
  member Rows : int
  member T : DM
  member A : DM with set
  member F : uint32 with set
  static member Abs : a:DM -> DM
  static member Acos : a:DM -> DM
  static member AddDiagonal : a:DM * b:DV -> DM
  static member AddItem : a:DM * i:int * j:int * b:D -> DM
  static member AddSubMatrix : a:DM * i:int * j:int * b:DM -> DM
  static member Asin : a:DM -> DM
  static member Atan : a:DM -> DM
  static member Atan2 : a:int * b:DM -> DM
  static member Atan2 : a:DM * b:int -> DM
  static member Atan2 : a:float32 * b:DM -> DM
  static member Atan2 : a:DM * b:float32 -> DM
  static member Atan2 : a:D * b:DM -> DM
  static member Atan2 : a:DM * b:D -> DM
  static member Atan2 : a:DM * b:DM -> DM
  static member Ceiling : a:DM -> DM
  static member Cos : a:DM -> DM
  static member Cosh : a:DM -> DM
  static member Det : a:DM -> D
  static member Diagonal : a:DM -> DV
  static member Exp : a:DM -> DM
  static member Floor : a:DM -> DM
  static member Inverse : a:DM -> DM
  static member Log : a:DM -> DM
  static member Log10 : a:DM -> DM
  static member Max : a:DM -> D
  static member Max : a:D * b:DM -> DM
  static member Max : a:DM * b:D -> DM
  static member Max : a:DM * b:DM -> DM
  static member MaxIndex : a:DM -> int * int
  static member Mean : a:DM -> D
  static member Min : a:DM -> D
  static member Min : a:D * b:DM -> DM
  static member Min : a:DM * b:D -> DM
  static member Min : a:DM * b:DM -> DM
  static member MinIndex : a:DM -> int * int
  static member Normalize : a:DM -> DM
  static member OfArray : m:int * a:D [] -> DM
  static member OfArray2D : a:D [,] -> DM
  static member OfCols : n:int * a:DV -> DM
  static member OfRows : s:seq<DV> -> DM
  static member OfRows : m:int * a:DV -> DM
  static member Op_DM_D : a:DM * ff:(float32 [,] -> float32) * fd:(DM -> D) * df:(D * DM * DM -> D) * r:(DM -> TraceOp) -> D
  static member Op_DM_DM : a:DM * ff:(float32 [,] -> float32 [,]) * fd:(DM -> DM) * df:(DM * DM * DM -> DM) * r:(DM -> TraceOp) -> DM
  static member Op_DM_DM_DM : a:DM * b:DM * ff:(float32 [,] * float32 [,] -> float32 [,]) * fd:(DM * DM -> DM) * df_da:(DM * DM * DM -> DM) * df_db:(DM * DM * DM -> DM) * df_dab:(DM * DM * DM * DM * DM -> DM) * r_d_d:(DM * DM -> TraceOp) * r_d_c:(DM * DM -> TraceOp) * r_c_d:(DM * DM -> TraceOp) -> DM
  static member Op_DM_DV : a:DM * ff:(float32 [,] -> float32 []) * fd:(DM -> DV) * df:(DV * DM * DM -> DV) * r:(DM -> TraceOp) -> DV
  static member Op_DM_DV_DM : a:DM * b:DV * ff:(float32 [,] * float32 [] -> float32 [,]) * fd:(DM * DV -> DM) * df_da:(DM * DM * DM -> DM) * df_db:(DM * DV * DV -> DM) * df_dab:(DM * DM * DM * DV * DV -> DM) * r_d_d:(DM * DV -> TraceOp) * r_d_c:(DM * DV -> TraceOp) * r_c_d:(DM * DV -> TraceOp) -> DM
  static member Op_DM_DV_DV : a:DM * b:DV * ff:(float32 [,] * float32 [] -> float32 []) * fd:(DM * DV -> DV) * df_da:(DV * DM * DM -> DV) * df_db:(DV * DV * DV -> DV) * df_dab:(DV * DM * DM * DV * DV -> DV) * r_d_d:(DM * DV -> TraceOp) * r_d_c:(DM * DV -> TraceOp) * r_c_d:(DM * DV -> TraceOp) -> DV
  static member Op_DM_D_DM : a:DM * b:D * ff:(float32 [,] * float32 -> float32 [,]) * fd:(DM * D -> DM) * df_da:(DM * DM * DM -> DM) * df_db:(DM * D * D -> DM) * df_dab:(DM * DM * DM * D * D -> DM) * r_d_d:(DM * D -> TraceOp) * r_d_c:(DM * D -> TraceOp) * r_c_d:(DM * D -> TraceOp) -> DM
  static member Op_DV_DM_DM : a:DV * b:DM * ff:(float32 [] * float32 [,] -> float32 [,]) * fd:(DV * DM -> DM) * df_da:(DM * DV * DV -> DM) * df_db:(DM * DM * DM -> DM) * df_dab:(DM * DV * DV * DM * DM -> DM) * r_d_d:(DV * DM -> TraceOp) * r_d_c:(DV * DM -> TraceOp) * r_c_d:(DV * DM -> TraceOp) -> DM
  static member Op_DV_DM_DV : a:DV * b:DM * ff:(float32 [] * float32 [,] -> float32 []) * fd:(DV * DM -> DV) * df_da:(DV * DV * DV -> DV) * df_db:(DV * DM * DM -> DV) * df_dab:(DV * DV * DV * DM * DM -> DV) * r_d_d:(DV * DM -> TraceOp) * r_d_c:(DV * DM -> TraceOp) * r_c_d:(DV * DM -> TraceOp) -> DV
  static member Op_D_DM_DM : a:D * b:DM * ff:(float32 * float32 [,] -> float32 [,]) * fd:(D * DM -> DM) * df_da:(DM * D * D -> DM) * df_db:(DM * DM * DM -> DM) * df_dab:(DM * D * D * DM * DM -> DM) * r_d_d:(D * DM -> TraceOp) * r_d_c:(D * DM -> TraceOp) * r_c_d:(D * DM -> TraceOp) -> DM
  static member Pow : a:int * b:DM -> DM
  static member Pow : a:DM * b:int -> DM
  static member Pow : a:float32 * b:DM -> DM
  static member Pow : a:DM * b:float32 -> DM
  static member Pow : a:D * b:DM -> DM
  static member Pow : a:DM * b:D -> DM
  static member Pow : a:DM * b:DM -> DM
  static member ReLU : a:DM -> DM
  static member ReshapeToDV : a:DM -> DV
  static member Round : a:DM -> DM
  static member Sigmoid : a:DM -> DM
  static member Sign : a:DM -> DM
  static member Sin : a:DM -> DM
  static member Sinh : a:DM -> DM
  static member SoftPlus : a:DM -> DM
  static member SoftSign : a:DM -> DM
  static member Solve : a:DM * b:DV -> DV
  static member SolveSymmetric : a:DM * b:DV -> DV
  static member Sqrt : a:DM -> DM
  static member StandardDev : a:DM -> D
  static member Standardize : a:DM -> DM
  static member Sum : a:DM -> D
  static member Tan : a:DM -> DM
  static member Tanh : a:DM -> DM
  static member Trace : a:DM -> D
  static member Transpose : a:DM -> DM
  static member Variance : a:DM -> D
  static member ZeroMN : m:int -> n:int -> DM
  static member Zero : DM
  static member ( + ) : a:int * b:DM -> DM
  static member ( + ) : a:DM * b:int -> DM
  static member ( + ) : a:float32 * b:DM -> DM
  static member ( + ) : a:DM * b:float32 -> DM
  static member ( + ) : a:DM * b:DV -> DM
  static member ( + ) : a:DV * b:DM -> DM
  static member ( + ) : a:D * b:DM -> DM
  static member ( + ) : a:DM * b:D -> DM
  static member ( + ) : a:DM * b:DM -> DM
  static member ( / ) : a:int * b:DM -> DM
  static member ( / ) : a:DM * b:int -> DM
  static member ( / ) : a:float32 * b:DM -> DM
  static member ( / ) : a:DM * b:float32 -> DM
  static member ( / ) : a:D * b:DM -> DM
  static member ( / ) : a:DM * b:D -> DM
  static member ( ./ ) : a:DM * b:DM -> DM
  static member ( .* ) : a:DM * b:DM -> DM
  static member op_Explicit : d:float32 [,] -> DM
  static member op_Explicit : d:DM -> float32 [,]
  static member ( * ) : a:int * b:DM -> DM
  static member ( * ) : a:DM * b:int -> DM
  static member ( * ) : a:float32 * b:DM -> DM
  static member ( * ) : a:DM * b:float32 -> DM
  static member ( * ) : a:D * b:DM -> DM
  static member ( * ) : a:DM * b:D -> DM
  static member ( * ) : a:DV * b:DM -> DV
  static member ( * ) : a:DM * b:DV -> DV
  static member ( * ) : a:DM * b:DM -> DM
  static member ( - ) : a:int * b:DM -> DM
  static member ( - ) : a:DM * b:int -> DM
  static member ( - ) : a:float32 * b:DM -> DM
  static member ( - ) : a:DM * b:float32 -> DM
  static member ( - ) : a:D * b:DM -> DM
  static member ( - ) : a:DM * b:D -> DM
  static member ( - ) : a:DM * b:DM -> DM
  static member ( ~- ) : a:DM -> DM

Full name: DiffSharp.AD.Float32.DM
val ofDV : m:int -> v:DV -> DM

Full name: DiffSharp.AD.Float32.DM.ofDV
val MNISTtest : Dataset

Full name: Training.MNISTtest
val h : DM

Full name: Training.h
static member Util.LoadDelimited : filename:string -> DM
static member Util.LoadDelimited : filename:string * separators:char [] -> DM
static member DM.Transpose : a:DM -> DM
override DM.ToString : unit -> string
val printfn : format:Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T> -> 'T

Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.ExtraTopLevelOperators.printfn
val hx : DM

Full name: Training.hx
val hy : DM

Full name: Training.hy
val housing : Dataset

Full name: Training.housing
val model : w:DV -> x:DV -> D

Full name: Training.model
val w : DV
Multiple items
union case DV.DV: float32 [] -> DV

module DV

from DiffSharp.AD.Float32

type DV =
  | DV of float32 []
  | DVF of DV * DV * uint32
  | DVR of DV * DV ref * TraceOp * uint32 ref * uint32
  member Copy : unit -> DV
  member GetForward : t:DV * i:uint32 -> DV
  member GetReverse : i:uint32 -> DV
  member GetSlice : lower:int option * upper:int option -> DV
  member ToArray : unit -> D []
  member ToColDM : unit -> DM
  member ToMathematicaString : unit -> string
  member ToMatlabString : unit -> string
  member ToRowDM : unit -> DM
  override ToString : unit -> string
  member Visualize : unit -> string
  member A : DV
  member F : uint32
  member Item : i:int -> D with get
  member Length : int
  member P : DV
  member PD : DV
  member T : DV
  member A : DV with set
  member F : uint32 with set
  static member Abs : a:DV -> DV
  static member Acos : a:DV -> DV
  static member AddItem : a:DV * i:int * b:D -> DV
  static member AddSubVector : a:DV * i:int * b:DV -> DV
  static member Append : a:DV * b:DV -> DV
  static member Asin : a:DV -> DV
  static member Atan : a:DV -> DV
  static member Atan2 : a:int * b:DV -> DV
  static member Atan2 : a:DV * b:int -> DV
  static member Atan2 : a:float32 * b:DV -> DV
  static member Atan2 : a:DV * b:float32 -> DV
  static member Atan2 : a:D * b:DV -> DV
  static member Atan2 : a:DV * b:D -> DV
  static member Atan2 : a:DV * b:DV -> DV
  static member Ceiling : a:DV -> DV
  static member Cos : a:DV -> DV
  static member Cosh : a:DV -> DV
  static member Exp : a:DV -> DV
  static member Floor : a:DV -> DV
  static member L1Norm : a:DV -> D
  static member L2Norm : a:DV -> D
  static member L2NormSq : a:DV -> D
  static member Log : a:DV -> DV
  static member Log10 : a:DV -> DV
  static member LogSumExp : a:DV -> D
  static member Max : a:DV -> D
  static member Max : a:D * b:DV -> DV
  static member Max : a:DV * b:D -> DV
  static member Max : a:DV * b:DV -> DV
  static member MaxIndex : a:DV -> int
  static member Mean : a:DV -> D
  static member Min : a:DV -> D
  static member Min : a:D * b:DV -> DV
  static member Min : a:DV * b:D -> DV
  static member Min : a:DV * b:DV -> DV
  static member MinIndex : a:DV -> int
  static member Normalize : a:DV -> DV
  static member OfArray : a:D [] -> DV
  static member Op_DV_D : a:DV * ff:(float32 [] -> float32) * fd:(DV -> D) * df:(D * DV * DV -> D) * r:(DV -> TraceOp) -> D
  static member Op_DV_DM : a:DV * ff:(float32 [] -> float32 [,]) * fd:(DV -> DM) * df:(DM * DV * DV -> DM) * r:(DV -> TraceOp) -> DM
  static member Op_DV_DV : a:DV * ff:(float32 [] -> float32 []) * fd:(DV -> DV) * df:(DV * DV * DV -> DV) * r:(DV -> TraceOp) -> DV
  static member Op_DV_DV_D : a:DV * b:DV * ff:(float32 [] * float32 [] -> float32) * fd:(DV * DV -> D) * df_da:(D * DV * DV -> D) * df_db:(D * DV * DV -> D) * df_dab:(D * DV * DV * DV * DV -> D) * r_d_d:(DV * DV -> TraceOp) * r_d_c:(DV * DV -> TraceOp) * r_c_d:(DV * DV -> TraceOp) -> D
  static member Op_DV_DV_DM : a:DV * b:DV * ff:(float32 [] * float32 [] -> float32 [,]) * fd:(DV * DV -> DM) * df_da:(DM * DV * DV -> DM) * df_db:(DM * DV * DV -> DM) * df_dab:(DM * DV * DV * DV * DV -> DM) * r_d_d:(DV * DV -> TraceOp) * r_d_c:(DV * DV -> TraceOp) * r_c_d:(DV * DV -> TraceOp) -> DM
  static member Op_DV_DV_DV : a:DV * b:DV * ff:(float32 [] * float32 [] -> float32 []) * fd:(DV * DV -> DV) * df_da:(DV * DV * DV -> DV) * df_db:(DV * DV * DV -> DV) * df_dab:(DV * DV * DV * DV * DV -> DV) * r_d_d:(DV * DV -> TraceOp) * r_d_c:(DV * DV -> TraceOp) * r_c_d:(DV * DV -> TraceOp) -> DV
  static member Op_DV_D_DV : a:DV * b:D * ff:(float32 [] * float32 -> float32 []) * fd:(DV * D -> DV) * df_da:(DV * DV * DV -> DV) * df_db:(DV * D * D -> DV) * df_dab:(DV * DV * DV * D * D -> DV) * r_d_d:(DV * D -> TraceOp) * r_d_c:(DV * D -> TraceOp) * r_c_d:(DV * D -> TraceOp) -> DV
  static member Op_D_DV_DV : a:D * b:DV * ff:(float32 * float32 [] -> float32 []) * fd:(D * DV -> DV) * df_da:(DV * D * D -> DV) * df_db:(DV * DV * DV -> DV) * df_dab:(DV * D * D * DV * DV -> DV) * r_d_d:(D * DV -> TraceOp) * r_d_c:(D * DV -> TraceOp) * r_c_d:(D * DV -> TraceOp) -> DV
  static member Pow : a:int * b:DV -> DV
  static member Pow : a:DV * b:int -> DV
  static member Pow : a:float32 * b:DV -> DV
  static member Pow : a:DV * b:float32 -> DV
  static member Pow : a:D * b:DV -> DV
  static member Pow : a:DV * b:D -> DV
  static member Pow : a:DV * b:DV -> DV
  static member ReLU : a:DV -> DV
  static member ReshapeToDM : m:int * a:DV -> DM
  static member Round : a:DV -> DV
  static member Sigmoid : a:DV -> DV
  static member Sign : a:DV -> DV
  static member Sin : a:DV -> DV
  static member Sinh : a:DV -> DV
  static member SoftMax : a:DV -> DV
  static member SoftPlus : a:DV -> DV
  static member SoftSign : a:DV -> DV
  static member Split : d:DV * n:seq<int> -> seq<DV>
  static member Sqrt : a:DV -> DV
  static member StandardDev : a:DV -> D
  static member Standardize : a:DV -> DV
  static member Sum : a:DV -> D
  static member Tan : a:DV -> DV
  static member Tanh : a:DV -> DV
  static member Variance : a:DV -> D
  static member ZeroN : n:int -> DV
  static member Zero : DV
  static member ( + ) : a:int * b:DV -> DV
  static member ( + ) : a:DV * b:int -> DV
  static member ( + ) : a:float32 * b:DV -> DV
  static member ( + ) : a:DV * b:float32 -> DV
  static member ( + ) : a:D * b:DV -> DV
  static member ( + ) : a:DV * b:D -> DV
  static member ( + ) : a:DV * b:DV -> DV
  static member ( &* ) : a:DV * b:DV -> DM
  static member ( / ) : a:int * b:DV -> DV
  static member ( / ) : a:DV * b:int -> DV
  static member ( / ) : a:float32 * b:DV -> DV
  static member ( / ) : a:DV * b:float32 -> DV
  static member ( / ) : a:D * b:DV -> DV
  static member ( / ) : a:DV * b:D -> DV
  static member ( ./ ) : a:DV * b:DV -> DV
  static member ( .* ) : a:DV * b:DV -> DV
  static member op_Explicit : d:float32 [] -> DV
  static member op_Explicit : d:DV -> float32 []
  static member ( * ) : a:int * b:DV -> DV
  static member ( * ) : a:DV * b:int -> DV
  static member ( * ) : a:float32 * b:DV -> DV
  static member ( * ) : a:DV * b:float32 -> DV
  static member ( * ) : a:D * b:DV -> DV
  static member ( * ) : a:DV * b:D -> DV
  static member ( * ) : a:DV * b:DV -> D
  static member ( - ) : a:int * b:DV -> DV
  static member ( - ) : a:DV * b:int -> DV
  static member ( - ) : a:float32 * b:DV -> DV
  static member ( - ) : a:DV * b:float32 -> DV
  static member ( - ) : a:D * b:DV -> DV
  static member ( - ) : a:DV * b:D -> DV
  static member ( - ) : a:DV * b:DV -> DV
  static member ( ~- ) : a:DV -> DV

Full name: DiffSharp.AD.Float32.DV
val x : DV
val wopt : DV

Full name: Training.wopt
val lopt : D

Full name: Training.lopt
val whist : DV []

Full name: Training.whist
val lhist : D []

Full name: Training.lhist
type Optimize =
  static member Minimize : f:(DV -> D) * w0:DV -> DV * D * DV [] * D []
  static member Minimize : f:(DV -> D) * w0:DV * par:Params -> DV * D * DV [] * D []
  static member Train : f:(DV -> DM -> DM) * w0:DV * d:Dataset -> DV * D * DV [] * D []
  static member Train : f:(DV -> DV -> DV) * w0:DV * d:Dataset -> DV * D * DV [] * D []
  static member Train : f:(DV -> DV -> D) * w0:DV * d:Dataset -> DV * D * DV [] * D []
  static member Train : f:(DV -> DM -> DM) * w0:DV * d:Dataset * v:Dataset -> DV * D * DV [] * D []
  static member Train : f:(DV -> DM -> DM) * w0:DV * d:Dataset * par:Params -> DV * D * DV [] * D []
  static member Train : f:(DV -> DV -> DV) * w0:DV * d:Dataset * v:Dataset -> DV * D * DV [] * D []
  static member Train : f:(DV -> DV -> DV) * w0:DV * d:Dataset * par:Params -> DV * D * DV [] * D []
  static member Train : f:(DV -> DV -> D) * w0:DV * d:Dataset * v:Dataset -> DV * D * DV [] * D []

Full name: Hype.Optimize
static member Optimize.Train : f:(DV -> DM -> DM) * w0:DV * d:Dataset -> DV * D * DV [] * D []
   (+0 other overloads)
static member Optimize.Train : f:(DV -> DV -> DV) * w0:DV * d:Dataset -> DV * D * DV [] * D []
   (+0 other overloads)
static member Optimize.Train : f:(DV -> DV -> D) * w0:DV * d:Dataset -> DV * D * DV [] * D []
   (+0 other overloads)
static member Optimize.Train : f:(DV -> DM -> DM) * w0:DV * d:Dataset * v:Dataset -> DV * D * DV [] * D []
   (+0 other overloads)
static member Optimize.Train : f:(DV -> DM -> DM) * w0:DV * d:Dataset * par:Params -> DV * D * DV [] * D []
   (+0 other overloads)
static member Optimize.Train : f:(DV -> DV -> DV) * w0:DV * d:Dataset * v:Dataset -> DV * D * DV [] * D []
   (+0 other overloads)
static member Optimize.Train : f:(DV -> DV -> DV) * w0:DV * d:Dataset * par:Params -> DV * D * DV [] * D []
   (+0 other overloads)
static member Optimize.Train : f:(DV -> DV -> D) * w0:DV * d:Dataset * v:Dataset -> DV * D * DV [] * D []
   (+0 other overloads)
static member Optimize.Train : f:(DV -> DV -> D) * w0:DV * d:Dataset * par:Params -> DV * D * DV [] * D []
   (+0 other overloads)
static member Optimize.Train : f:(DV -> DM -> DM) * w0:DV * d:Dataset * v:Dataset * par:Params -> DV * D * DV [] * D []
   (+0 other overloads)
Multiple items
type Rnd =
  new : unit -> Rnd
  static member Choice : a:'a0 [] -> 'a0
  static member Choice : a:'a [] * probs:DV -> 'a
  static member Choice : a:'a0 [] * probs:float32 [] -> 'a0
  static member Normal : unit -> float32
  static member Normal : mu:float32 * sigma:float32 -> float32
  static member NormalD : unit -> D
  static member NormalD : mu:D * sigma:D -> D
  static member NormalDM : m:int * n:int -> DM
  static member NormalDM : m:int * n:int * mu:D * sigma:D -> DM

Full name: Hype.Rnd

new : unit -> Rnd
static member Rnd.UniformDV : n:int -> DV
static member Rnd.UniformDV : n:int * max:D -> DV
static member Rnd.UniformDV : n:int * min:D * max:D -> DV
Multiple items
module Params

from Hype

type Params =
  {Epochs: int;
   Method: Method;
   LearningRate: LearningRate;
   Momentum: Momentum;
   Loss: Loss;
   Regularization: Regularization;
   GradientClipping: GradientClipping;
   Batch: Batch;
   EarlyStopping: EarlyStopping;
   ImprovementThreshold: D;

Full name: Hype.Params
val Default : Params

Full name: Hype.Params.Default
type Loss =
  | L1Loss
  | L2Loss
  | Quadratic
  | CrossEntropyOnLinear
  | CrossEntropyOnSoftmax
  override ToString : unit -> string
  member Func : (Dataset -> (DM -> DM) -> D)

Full name: Hype.Loss
union case Loss.Quadratic: Loss
val trainedmodel : (DV -> D)

Full name: Training.trainedmodel
namespace RProvider
namespace RProvider.grDevices
val px : float []

Full name: Training.px
val py : float []

Full name:
property Dataset.Y: DM
val toArray : v:DV -> D []

Full name: DiffSharp.AD.Float32.DV.toArray
module Array

from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val mapi : mapping:(int -> 'T -> 'U) -> array:'T [] -> 'U []

Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Array.mapi
val i : int
val v : D
Multiple items
val float : value:'T -> float (requires member op_Explicit)

Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.float

type float = System.Double

Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.float

type float<'Measure> = float

Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.float<_>
Multiple items
val float32 : value:'T -> float32 (requires member op_Explicit)

Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.float32

type float32 = System.Single

Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.float32

type float32<'Measure> = float32

Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.float32<_>
val unzip : array:('T1 * 'T2) [] -> 'T1 [] * 'T2 []

Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Array.unzip
val ppx : float []

Full name: Training.ppx
val ppy : float []

Full name: Training.ppy
property Dataset.X: DM
val mapCols : f:(DV -> DV) -> m:DM -> DM

Full name: DiffSharp.AD.Float32.DM.mapCols
val v : DV
val toDV : m:DM -> DV

Full name: DiffSharp.AD.Float32.DM.toDV
val ll : float []

Full name: Training.ll
val map : mapping:('T -> 'U) -> array:'T [] -> 'U []

Full name:
val namedParams : s:seq<string * 'a> -> System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string,obj>

Full name: RProvider.Helpers.namedParams
val box : value:'T -> obj

Full name:
type R =
  static member Axis : ?x: obj * ?at: obj * ?___: obj * ?side: obj * ?labels: obj * ?paramArray: obj [] -> SymbolicExpression + 1 overload
  static member abline : ?a: obj * ?b: obj * ?h: obj * ?v: obj * ?reg: obj * ?coef: obj * ?untf: obj * ?___: obj * ?paramArray: obj [] -> SymbolicExpression + 1 overload
  static member arrows : ?x0: obj * ?y0: obj * ?x1: obj * ?y1: obj * ?length: obj * ?angle: obj * ?code: obj * ?col: obj * ?lty: obj * ?lwd: obj * ?___: obj * ?paramArray: obj [] -> SymbolicExpression + 1 overload
  static member assocplot : ?x: obj * ?col: obj * ?space: obj * ?main: obj * ?xlab: obj * ?ylab: obj -> SymbolicExpression + 1 overload
  static member axTicks : ?side: obj * ?axp: obj * ?usr: obj * ?log: obj * ?nintLog: obj -> SymbolicExpression + 1 overload
  static member axis : ?side: obj * ?at: obj * ?labels: obj * ?tick: obj * ?line: obj * ?pos: obj * ?outer: obj * ?font: obj * ?lty: obj * ?lwd: obj * ?lwd_ticks: obj * ?col: obj * ?col_ticks: obj * ?hadj: obj * ?padj: obj * ?___: obj * ?paramArray: obj [] -> SymbolicExpression + 1 overload
  static member axis_Date : ?side: obj * ?x: obj * ?at: obj * ?format: obj * ?labels: obj * ?___: obj * ?paramArray: obj [] -> SymbolicExpression + 1 overload
  static member axis_POSIXct : ?side: obj * ?x: obj * ?at: obj * ?format: obj * ?labels: obj * ?___: obj * ?paramArray: obj [] -> SymbolicExpression + 1 overload
  static member barplot : ?height: obj * ?___: obj * ?paramArray: obj [] -> SymbolicExpression + 1 overload
  static member barplot_default : ?height: obj * ?width: obj * ?space: obj * ?names_arg: obj * ?legend_text: obj * ?beside: obj * ?horiz: obj * ?density: obj * ?angle: obj * ?col: obj * ?border: obj * ?main: obj * ?sub: obj * ?xlab: obj * ?ylab: obj * ?xlim: obj * ?ylim: obj * ?xpd: obj * ?log: obj * ?axes: obj * ?axisnames: obj * ?cex_axis: obj * ?cex_names: obj * ?inside: obj * ?plot: obj * ?axis_lty: obj * ?offset: obj * ?add: obj * ?args_legend: obj * ?___: obj * ?paramArray: obj [] -> SymbolicExpression + 1 overload

Full name:

R functions for base graphics
R.plot(paramsByName: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string,obj>) : RDotNet.SymbolicExpression
R.plot(?x: obj, ?y: obj, ?___: obj, ?paramArray: obj []) : RDotNet.SymbolicExpression

Generic X-Y Plotting
val ignore : value:'T -> unit

Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.ignore
R.points(paramsByName: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string,obj>) : RDotNet.SymbolicExpression
R.points(?x: obj, ?___: obj, ?paramArray: obj []) : RDotNet.SymbolicExpression

Add Points to a Plot
type Loss =
  | L1Loss
  | L2Loss
  | Quadratic
  | CrossEntropyOnLinear
  | CrossEntropyOnSoftmax

Full name: Training.Loss
union case Loss.L1Loss: Loss
union case Loss.L2Loss: Loss
union case Loss.CrossEntropyOnLinear: Loss
union case Loss.CrossEntropyOnSoftmax: Loss
type Regularization =
  | L1Reg of D
  | L2Reg of D
  | NoReg
  static member DefaultL1Reg : Regularization
  static member DefaultL2Reg : Regularization

Full name: Training.Regularization
union case Regularization.L1Reg: D -> Regularization
type D =
  | D of float32
  | DF of D * D * uint32
  | DR of D * D ref * TraceOp * uint32 ref * uint32
  interface IComparable
  member Copy : unit -> D
  override Equals : other:obj -> bool
  member GetForward : t:D * i:uint32 -> D
  override GetHashCode : unit -> int
  member GetReverse : i:uint32 -> D
  override ToString : unit -> string
  member A : D
  member F : uint32
  member P : D
  member PD : D
  member T : D
  member A : D with set
  member F : uint32 with set
  static member Abs : a:D -> D
  static member Acos : a:D -> D
  static member Asin : a:D -> D
  static member Atan : a:D -> D
  static member Atan2 : a:int * b:D -> D
  static member Atan2 : a:D * b:int -> D
  static member Atan2 : a:float32 * b:D -> D
  static member Atan2 : a:D * b:float32 -> D
  static member Atan2 : a:D * b:D -> D
  static member Ceiling : a:D -> D
  static member Cos : a:D -> D
  static member Cosh : a:D -> D
  static member Exp : a:D -> D
  static member Floor : a:D -> D
  static member Log : a:D -> D
  static member Log10 : a:D -> D
  static member LogSumExp : a:D -> D
  static member Max : a:D * b:D -> D
  static member Min : a:D * b:D -> D
  static member Op_D_D : a:D * ff:(float32 -> float32) * fd:(D -> D) * df:(D * D * D -> D) * r:(D -> TraceOp) -> D
  static member Op_D_D_D : a:D * b:D * ff:(float32 * float32 -> float32) * fd:(D * D -> D) * df_da:(D * D * D -> D) * df_db:(D * D * D -> D) * df_dab:(D * D * D * D * D -> D) * r_d_d:(D * D -> TraceOp) * r_d_c:(D * D -> TraceOp) * r_c_d:(D * D -> TraceOp) -> D
  static member Pow : a:int * b:D -> D
  static member Pow : a:D * b:int -> D
  static member Pow : a:float32 * b:D -> D
  static member Pow : a:D * b:float32 -> D
  static member Pow : a:D * b:D -> D
  static member ReLU : a:D -> D
  static member Round : a:D -> D
  static member Sigmoid : a:D -> D
  static member Sign : a:D -> D
  static member Sin : a:D -> D
  static member Sinh : a:D -> D
  static member SoftPlus : a:D -> D
  static member SoftSign : a:D -> D
  static member Sqrt : a:D -> D
  static member Tan : a:D -> D
  static member Tanh : a:D -> D
  static member One : D
  static member Zero : D
  static member ( + ) : a:int * b:D -> D
  static member ( + ) : a:D * b:int -> D
  static member ( + ) : a:float32 * b:D -> D
  static member ( + ) : a:D * b:float32 -> D
  static member ( + ) : a:D * b:D -> D
  static member ( / ) : a:int * b:D -> D
  static member ( / ) : a:D * b:int -> D
  static member ( / ) : a:float32 * b:D -> D
  static member ( / ) : a:D * b:float32 -> D
  static member ( / ) : a:D * b:D -> D
  static member op_Explicit : d:D -> float32
  static member ( * ) : a:int * b:D -> D
  static member ( * ) : a:D * b:int -> D
  static member ( * ) : a:float32 * b:D -> D
  static member ( * ) : a:D * b:float32 -> D
  static member ( * ) : a:D * b:D -> D
  static member ( - ) : a:int * b:D -> D
  static member ( - ) : a:D * b:int -> D
  static member ( - ) : a:float32 * b:D -> D
  static member ( - ) : a:D * b:float32 -> D
  static member ( - ) : a:D * b:D -> D
  static member ( ~- ) : a:D -> D

Full name: DiffSharp.AD.Float32.D
union case Regularization.L2Reg: D -> Regularization
union case Regularization.NoReg: Regularization
static member Regularization.DefaultL1Reg : Regularization

Full name: Training.Regularization.DefaultL1Reg
union case D.D: float32 -> D
static member Regularization.DefaultL2Reg : Regularization

Full name: Training.Regularization.DefaultL2Reg
type Batch =
  | Full
  | Minibatch of int
  | Stochastic

Full name: Training.Batch
union case Batch.Full: Batch
union case Batch.Minibatch: int -> Batch
Multiple items
val int : value:'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)

Full name:

type int = int32

Full name:

type int<'Measure> = int

Full name:<_>
union case Batch.Stochastic: Batch
type EarlyStopping =
  | Early of int * int
  | NoEarly
  static member DefaultEarly : EarlyStopping

Full name: Training.EarlyStopping
union case EarlyStopping.Early: int * int -> EarlyStopping
union case EarlyStopping.NoEarly: EarlyStopping
static member EarlyStopping.DefaultEarly : EarlyStopping

Full name: Training.EarlyStopping.DefaultEarly
val housingtrain : Dataset

Full name: Training.housingtrain
val housingvalid : Dataset

Full name: Training.housingvalid